Thomas, Ellen DeGeneres moved to the Cotswolds the first week she was there, her mansion flooded. Natural law.

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Apparently she's back in America. Her best friend and dj on the show got suicided

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Yes.Even in the US so many hypocritical idiots from the Democrat States also move to forner Red states and try to change them.Californians and New Yorkers have ruined places like Nashville with their woke views and the cost of property is now ridiculous

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Houston is another one they're currently destroying

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This is an excellent point. You take yourself wherever you go and will still carry the same mindset about the world.

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Now none of my two son's in Australia are in that photo lol, but I would like them home , but to be honest it is hard to compete with the weather and the adventure they are having there , earn a few bob and then head off and have fun in new place's.

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Yes you see boys like to go off on adventure. And who can blame them? My two eldest sons 18 and 20 years, I could see them going off. Exploring. Adult Children leave their homeland for excitement. People don't factor that in.

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I know a few people that Immigrated to America and came back. They become pompous arrogant know it all ass holes who constantly harp on about how better it was over in the States. I get the feeling they were doing the same in America about how much they longed for Ireland. Never satisfied. Personally I nearly Immigrated to Canada after the crash of 2008. The reason I didn't end up going was because I couldn't bare to leave my kerry blue terrier behind. He was my best friend and was with me through hard times. So glad I didn't go to wokeistan. I love Éire like a mother. How could I even consider leaving her

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I think the point is more that if you can tolerate the compliant culture of Australia and New Zealand, it's better you stay there. For us that is: we are overrun with sheep as it is.

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