The Woke Diaspora and the Mirror of the Self
A Boorish Cretin Regardless of the Soil They Stand Upon
YouTube is currently filled with videos about Americans who moved to Europe—mainly Portugal—to escape Trump's America. What these people are discovering is not so much that Europe is not for them, but they are insufferable individuals who would be unhappy malcontents anywhere in the world.
I recall in 2019 at Logan Airport in Boston having my dinner and this woman in her late 20s beside me—who was clearly wealthy—going on about having to leave the US 'because of this administration'. She was completely oppressed only inside her skull and would be—in reality—one of the most pampered and free women on the planet. Yet she was 'oppressed' by Trump and had to leave.
One of the things you discover when you move to another country is your real self. Who you are as a person. All these Americans who escaped to Europe only found that they were delusional assholes and no one anywhere likes them.
Of course, is it not just Americans. Ireland is exceptional for exporting its own assholes—these days to Australia—who seem to think we miss them and want them back. We don't.
This is an excellent point. You take yourself wherever you go and will still carry the same mindset about the world.
Thomas, Ellen DeGeneres moved to the Cotswolds the first week she was there, her mansion flooded. Natural law.