So… what does this portend? Why coming out so soon? Last week Hotez, a lower-level Fauci-Esque entity was raving about plagues that will besiege us on January 21st… there’s talk of Trump setting up warp-speed 2…. Are these the dying screeds of the demonic pharma-woke, the rants and fear monger of troofers, or the yowling and fear-mongering of the media types wanting attention and clicks? I find it terribly curious and unexpected… part of the strangeness you predict for 2025 and the collapsing wave function? That’s my guess… thing are coming unglued, what I described is the chaos of the collapse… that which we can, and must, harness for our creativity. Just musings of a recovering “materialist scientist” who’s embraced natural philosophy. Cheers! Carrie-in-Chicago

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Maybe it's just a sign of the total confusion that is slowly seeping down into the lower levels of the would-be 'controllers'?

The 'top' people probably realised early on that the covid project would become the disaster for them that it has. Millions around the planet realised something was not right about the 'pandemic' and many resisted the measures being imposed.

Now panic is spreading, even though these clowns are trying desperately to keep up an appearance of authority. But the edifice is crumbling and they know it.

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Just wait in action.

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Criminals and miscreants. Saville Row attired gangsters.

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They now have bigger fish to fry-the Greater Israel Project is well underway.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD5gtM1A990 -USS Liberty and false flags. Covid was a distraction.

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