Covid 'Conspiracy Theorists' Were Correct According to the US Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Two-Year Investigation
This 520-page final report details all findings of the Select Subcommittee’s investigation.
The Implementation or Effectiveness of Any Federal Law or Regulation Applied, Enacted, or Under Consideration to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic and Prepare for Future Pandemics
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO): The WHO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was an abject failure because it caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party and placed China’s political interests ahead of its international duties. Further, the WHO’s newest effort to solve the problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic — via a “Pandemic Treaty” — may harm the United States.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation — which shut down schools and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science. During closed door testimony, Dr. Fauci testified that the guidance, “sort of just appeared.”
MASK MANDATES: There was no conclusive evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. Public health officials flipped-flopped on the efficacy of masks without providing Americans scientific data — causing a massive uptick in public distrust.
LOCKDOWNS: Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens. Rather than prioritizing the protection of the most vulnerable populations, federal and state government policies forced millions of Americans to forgo crucial elements of a healthy and financially sound life.
So… what does this portend? Why coming out so soon? Last week Hotez, a lower-level Fauci-Esque entity was raving about plagues that will besiege us on January 21st… there’s talk of Trump setting up warp-speed 2…. Are these the dying screeds of the demonic pharma-woke, the rants and fear monger of troofers, or the yowling and fear-mongering of the media types wanting attention and clicks? I find it terribly curious and unexpected… part of the strangeness you predict for 2025 and the collapsing wave function? That’s my guess… thing are coming unglued, what I described is the chaos of the collapse… that which we can, and must, harness for our creativity. Just musings of a recovering “materialist scientist” who’s embraced natural philosophy. Cheers! Carrie-in-Chicago
Just wait in action.