
Economic Doom is like the Covid Vax. Don't take it and you'll be fine.

Just Wait...

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Very true Thomas. Being contented is feeling rich all the time, regardless of what life throws at you.

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ALWAYS live the best life you can.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Living a simple life is so rewarding and freeing . Learn to grow a little bit of food in any tub or bucket you can get your hands on. It is cost free and a joy to see push up out of the soil. Start with a few parsnips and carrots and watch the magic.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

This sounds like I'm speaking the opposite of Thomas which I am not. I mean that if you grow some food you will save money and what cash you have will go further for the household.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

We do container gardens on our deck railing for carrots and leaf lettuce. We made a couple raised bed gardens behind our modest retirement downsized house in the back yard for tomatoes, peppers, beans and a few other vegetables. Fun and fresh food in the season and enough extra to dehydrate or freeze or can and store for winter.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Fair play Robbie that's a few less things on the weekly shopping list. We do the same thing and have a nice bit dried ,canned and pickled for winter too.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

There is nothing tastier than picking your salad right from the garden. The home preserved stuff tastes better than the grocery store stuff, too.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

My favourite are beetroot and jalapeno and I use the same pickle recipe for both two thirds white vinegar one third white sugar.

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I know what you mean Richard. I will do that.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

There's a sprouting seeds you can get easily nowadays Finola that are great and only take a few weeks for harvest and it is full of good stuff.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Wise words Thomas, so very true. I don't do the 'news' and stopped the alt media stuff as most of them are just as bloody bad quite frankly. I have been listening to some mindblowing podcasts instead and have learned so much in the past 4/5 years it's unbelievable, I love it! Thank you Thomas as you have been part of my great awakening and spiritual development, see you at Glastonbury!

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Thank you, Thomas, for this outstanding reminder to evoke and invoke inner affluence and revel in the sweetness of being and enjoying my life with its many treats, allowing the flow of gifting and receiving unimpeded. Christopher and I are getting ready to embark on a month-long adventure that involves Zero work--no teaching, no speaking, no trauma de-activation facilitating, no events, no music gigs or singing or dancing for my supper~~just vacationing for the very first time in my nearly 65 years of living. Other than our flights, hiring a car, and connecting with beloved friends, we are winging it, looking forward to reconnecting with Scotland--Hebrides-Orkneys--the land for the sheer utter joy of it. A neighbour tried to piss on my parade with her aint it awful forecasts of doom and gloom and how the dollar is shit, and how it must be nice that I get to travel for fun. Indeed, it is very nice.

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that's the way to do it. Have a great time.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

We will!!

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Good advice! My wife and I prep for shortages and hard times the same way we did when we lived in the rural country from the mid 1970s when we could be snowed in for days with no way to get to town for groceries. Have extra food and things on hand and just live our lives. We also did not have a TV for decades. We have one now, but we don't watch MSM. in fact we are hard pressed to find more that one or two shows or movies we want to see. YouTube channels are bad enough. they also contribute to the stress by posting fear porn. Got to get you to watch, so click bait it is. People with channels for prepping, and off grid living that have been going for years, now that the new hard times are here, are losing their minds. It is as if they never really believed what they were selling. Feeds right into the black word magic. Best policy is stay informed enough to smell what they are shoveling, live your life, and avoid mobs.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Thank you for your remarkably synchronistic post…. An ABSOLUTELY PERFECT RESOLUTION a series of events and experiences I’ve been navigating this week. AMAZING.

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Poverty is a hex indeed. Excellent article Thomas.

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Great advice.

I try to do this most of the time

Thank you . ❤️

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Well said good sir.

Beechcroft Model Railway - #64. Tackling the Hillside and other Bits : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6fqBln2SbI

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Author

love it! Is that your set up? It's stunning. Much nicer than mine.

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Nah I wish dude, I tend to binge watch model railway channels just out of sheer interest nothing else (I don't own any model railway stuff, don't have the room unfortunately).

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Oct 4Liked by Thomas Sheridan

This is so true totally agree.

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Well said!Great advice Thomas👍

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