Mar 1Liked by Thomas Sheridan

And letting our folks be abandoned in a caring facility or nursing home to die in loneliness and fear, Fucking Bastards.

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There was a week or two in early 2021 when passers-by, some were total strangers, would accost me with fire in their eyes to tell me they had been jabbed.

I was never leaned on by officialdom to join in with this madness. Any pressure I felt was social not physical or legal. A lot was left unsaid and the Combine must have hoped that my imagination would do the rest.

We are still being subjected to this kind of psychological/spiritual attack. Much like those unfortunates in Thomas's article.

But it will end. It is ending already.

"It's a long road that has no turning."

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Mar 1Liked by Thomas Sheridan

1.Assisted Decision Making Capacity Act 2015. The HSE can get long term nursing and care patients to surrender their welfare and pensions to the HSE.

2. Assisted dying with a statutory “right” to receive euthanasia assistance; this legislation is before the oreachtas; it next, so they can kill you and your loved ones with impunity and say you agreed with it. You will be put on an “end of life pathway” for any reason; just testing positive for a virus, then weakened by starvation and suffocating with madazolam.

3. Human Tissue Bill; they can help themselves to your body parts for transplants and research. Before you put a loved one in a HSE facility, get a lawyer. Good luck everyone

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Mar 1Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Great analogy. I actually knew a couple that had that exact star treatment to go on one of the TV shows you talked about. And, they literally shown the door after the show. But, importantly the playbook for the lockdown / covid / injections if you wanna keep your jobs really did follow that TV show model. Now as those same people lose their homes, are vax injured and disabled and can't hold jobs where is the help? "Why, you had a choice and it is not our fault you chose to sell your health and livelihood for Crispy Cream donuts, burgers, fries, and a medium coke. You are on your own."

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I remember getting my brother and sister to vacuum the living room for half a candy each. I felt guilty afterwards and never took advantage of them again.

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