Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Thomas Sheridan

You, Christian, John, and others were right… things changed after the vote on the referendums. It seems to me that the people of Eire are rediscovering the soul of your great land… what they have THEY WILL HOLD. They are controlling the psychic space… I can feel it all the way to my home in Crete Illinois. Much love to you and the people of our/my beloved Eire. — Carrie-in-Chicago

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Apr 26Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Same here in the USA. "Why Are You Doing This?" Republican politicians working as hard as they can without (they think) alienating their voting base to see that Trump does not get back in the White House, all the while claiming they are conservatives. Seeming blind to what the Demonrats have been doing that has been destroying the country. $35 Trillion debt, loss of industry, loss of jobs, The cities have become hell holes, at least 12 million illegal aliens invading our borders and being distributed through out the country. Many of the "newcomers" are single fighting ages males seemingly sitting around waiting for a signal.

As an aside, Kurt Schlichter just published a book called ATTACK. He did it in novel form, but it lays out through a series of personal stories an attack to kill millions of people on day one, to attack supply chains and business on day two and to attack infrastructure on day three. The signal the above mentioned males are waiting for? A good look at what may be coming and how the people ultimately rise up. (That part I am not so confident about). I got my copy on Amazon.

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Apr 26Liked by Thomas Sheridan

You articulated my exact thoughts.

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