Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Thomas Sheridan

This is an excellent article!

I agree with the horrors the mother-WEFers have in store for us, much due to the law of unintended consequences. We have to monkey wrench their plans at every opportunity.

Just look at all the dystopian TV shows and movies on the media now. So many are very dark stories. Books? = same. Predictive programing everywhere. As an avid reader of science fiction since I was a kid, I have watched the genre tilt more and more from optimistic stories of our future to pessimistic stories about embattled remnants of the human race. Much of this reflects the current mood that is all around us, some is being placed to reinforce that mood.

When I read Frank Herbert's DUNE one of the foundational start points was that there had been a war against the AIs and that they were banned. That gave rise to bioengineered humans that became mentats that could do the equations and data to replace the AIs, Humans were also bioengineered to be the pilots of the space ships. Looking back that might not have been such a good idea either, but it kept humanity in the game. By the way, the DUNE movies were garbage in comparison to the book. Hollyweird always has to screw with stories. They do a great job with imagery and car chases, but plot and world development, not so much.

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Apr 5Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Very well said Thomas. Agree completely. The future is an abomination unless we stop it.

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The greatest problem has been the professional class in protection of their paychecks. Furthermore, the baby boomers go along with all the scams and frauds if it increases their net worth, without working for it.

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We couldn't get poeple out of masks, yet we want these same people to overthrow globalists or stymie their plans.

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