Apr 3Liked by Thomas Sheridan

It is what the Historian/ archaeologists/"Experts" do to ancient monuments everywhere.Early theories about the purposes of these mounds in Europe, the pyramids in Egypt, and the new worlds were built for and that becomes doctrine. Those that saw different explanations are usually dismissed out of hand. That is one of the reasons I have been watching Jeffrey Drumm's Land Of Chem explorations on YouTube. His video's are well worth the time: https://www.youtube.com/@thelandofchem/videos Here is one he did on a visit to Newgrange in 2023. He looks past the reconstructions and official descriptions and talks about the his take on the meanings and purposes. Site Visit 40: LOST ANCIENT HISTORY - Newgrange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyQxM95ZBI0&t=51s His video's are well worth the time.

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Uisneach too has lost its magic. All it took was the success of the Beltane festival to bring in crowds and the money. And Bru na Boinne has a curtain rail around it. Many sites are sleeping or have been disempowered by the OPW who in fear of insurance claims, place barbed wire and close off sacred sections. Through the lack of contact, these sites lose the sense of sacredness. The OPW seem to forget that the land is a living breathing thing, and is for everyone.

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