Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Well said! I am from the "someplace else". I grew up with a feeling of not quite being connected to the land, to the feeling of belonging. I was born in Wisconsin, USA to my mother several generations here, but from some Northern Germanic area. My Father a migrant from Norway. If I tried to go back to my Norwegian or Germanic roots I would be a guest there. Raised as an American kid, I developed to fit into being an American and could have traveled, worked and fit in pretty well through most of my country. Even living on the land in rural Wisconsin for 44 years did not make me quite fit in with the farmers and locals.

I recognize, I do not have that long connection to place that our indigenous people have. But, even many of those were displaced through the Iroquois wars then the Indian Removal Act resulting in the Black Hawk War to remove the Kickapoos from Illinois and Wisconsin to the Southwest. They were ultimately betrayed by the Winnebago (who came into Wisconsin having been displaced by the Iroquois centuries before). And, of course the Trail Of Tears removal of the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole from Southeastern United States to west of the Mississippi river.

The Kickapoos are now Tex Mex small tribes completely alienated from the herbs, crop growing, hunting, and way of life of the place they used to live. This all is the tragedy that faces the world as the "Plan" displaces people from across the world into alien cultures where they have no ground of reference for living there. They lose their culture and way of life while invading and subsuming the local culture. This is not a bug, but The Feature of their (the powers that be) destructive immigration schemes.

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Sep 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Let's be honest here and agree that what's happening in every White Western country is deliberate elimination of White culture, history and eventually the White race entirely. This is funded by the globalists to create a perminant serf class of low IQ workers.

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