Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was. In the beginning we were tribal bands. In the 1970s the term I learned for what we now call NPCs or Normies was "savage in the gray flannel loin cloth". Survival needed a large percent of the group hunting and gathering, planting crops, defending the village, doing the bidding of the elders or big kahunas. But there were always those who did not quite fit in. those that explored, met new tribes, traded, brought new things and ideas back to their villages. Sometimes they were shunned, exiled or killed for their efforts. Sometimes the villages prospered because of them. Being a free (different) thinker is always dangerous path.

Today, with the interconnectedness of communication and the understanding of human psychology the power that be can so easily manipulate us into the latest politically correct or cosmically correct orthodoxy. Those of us who are free thinkers ( and I believe ALL of us are Normies and NPCs in some aspects of our lives) have the daunting task to get the message out in ways the normies will question what they are being told and actually "see what they see." The hard times makes that task slightly easier as losing jobs and collapsing economies is hard to ignore while being gaslighted by the governments and nooze (rhymes with snooze) media. We would think the massive invasions of all our countries would also be a clue, but here I think that people don't know what to do when our own governments, militaries, and police are against their own citizens.

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Aug 21Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I'm reading the anvil of the psyche atm and this article may as well be an extract from the book.

Great read BTW. Thank you Thomas

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