Like all of Thomas Sheridan's Substack pieces, this is short and to the point. No excess verbiage, no pointless 'explanation', no repetition. And I agree with every word!

My heart sinks if I am in some remote part of the Irish countryside and I see a phalanx of these hideous turbines in front of me. Once I saw a bunch of them in a field somewhere. In one of the three or four the blades were still. The others were rotating in lockstep like the hands of a clock, even though there was not a breath of wind in the air. Unsurprisingly my suspicions were raised about what was really going on here.

But even if wind turbines DO genuinely contribute power to the electric grid, is it it worth the cost in animal health and human misery?

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and they still need a diesel geneator to get them going and each one uses 15 tons of toxic lubricant a year while the blades are exported to devolping countries to be buried as they can't be recycled.

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I bet they will ultimately decide to "bury" the blades at sea without even the planning to create artificial reefs for fish habitat.

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I always wonder why they don’t put them out to sea where there is real wind… we couldn’t see them then. Maybe that’s why.

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

That is part of the issue: NIMBY - not in my back yard. But a bigger issue is where they have put them out there whales keep beaching. So the electric fields are interfering with the whales guidance organs as well. The out to sea wind farms also don't fare well with hurricanes.

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They kill a lot of sea life, when at sea, due to the electricity cables on sea bed.Crabs stop mating because they are drawn, like moths to a flame, to the electric cables.These monstrosities are a disaster all round!

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Well said. and timely. On the eastern side of Wisconsin they visually pollute the skies above thousands of acres of farm fields while the slating of the turbines nearer the towns cause flickering light and the sound is a constant annoyance whenever the wind blows. They were built to augment the electric grid for Wisconsin's large cities but built right on the major migratory flyway for Canada geese and ducks. Then the fun part is that the companies that built them sell them off to other companies after a few year and they never become all that profitable. It becomes last one in loses as they age out and need to be torn down and replaced. But, are the fields of solar panels really any better? Still have the changes in electric fields, still the recycling issue and usage of vast acreage close to the ground. What works on a small scale like sailboats with a small wind turbine and a few solar panels is not so good scaled up. Also what happens when the lithium ion batteries on that boat catches fire at sea?

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Related but not entirely off topic is the fact the nerds who dreamt up offshore windfarms neglected to understand the impact not only on wildlife but radar / early warning systems used by the MOD which are, as I understand it affected by these monstrosities. Source - Mr Gerrish et al @ UKC.

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Sharing this on Facebook to piss them off further

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I sent on Facebook and they have taken it down!They are sensoring again now😡😡😡

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Everyone of them are illegal as they all breach the Sustainable Environmental Assessment but they plough ahead regardless. They want to put up 11, 180 meter high in my area I'm within the 2km zone. They now propose another 8 at the foot of knock Ma. The place will be destroyed as its predominantly bog land. A few locals are pushing back but galway Co Co are giving carte blanch go ahead. The change in the new planning laws will stop groups objecting,they must be established over a yr and registered,Its truly horrendous! Which will leave it outside the reach of the locals as we are having an impact and they are being slowed.

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Jun 24Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Well said. Those things are death machines. At least the birds have figured them out.

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Another great article Thomas.It's so stressful to hear about so many brainwashed cult members who have been fooled into believing the crazy fake news of a Climate Change catastrophe!

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Solar panels are also bird killers: Birds are being baked in flight while passing over solar panels as the intensified sun rays are reflected upwards

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