Fantastic Article Thomas, I believe I went through this, I knew I was loosing my self I refer to it as loosing my soul , the light was almost out and caught myself in time , it was a long road back but I feel I am back to my intuitive self. From my own experience's I can safely say that so many people in business have lost their capacity to flow from the left and right side's as a balance , this is why their is no magic or creativity in the trade's anymore , it's all about quicker and cheaper. I hope I have not picked this up wrong. When I was operating with a large crew and went from being inventive to worrying how to get the wage's every week for the crew, and the money for supplier's etc and spending every week chasing the money and bidding for more work , That's what stopped my flow. I would of destroyed myself without a care BUT I had still the slightest faint stream still flowing from that place that was enough to pull the plug and start from where I felt I shut out that side of the brain.

I didnt look at it like that then , I felt I was loosing my soul but the article explain's the situation the same .

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Sorry about this but I want to add a few word's. Wholeness , centred , Self centred, Selfless, Flow like water , the Jin, Balanced individual, suicide, mental block .

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