What do you mean by your last sentence?

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is it not clear? This is real shamanism and if the European shamans were with us today this is what they would be doing.

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The basis of shamanism is to heal. This isn’t that.

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which is what this is. going into the darkness in order to find the root cause of the force of malady and doing battle with it. In this case their suicide by Covid Vaccines.

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It feels like energy harvesting to me. Necromancy is the word that comes to mind. Not that the people at Glastonbury have that much energy to offer… I saw all the Palestinian flags. It’s a cult and everyone can join. I saw your video with Jenifer Taylor - it was excellent. Thanks for making me think about things at a different angle. Some part of me wants to believe all humans can be saved.

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"Some part of me wants to believe all humans can be saved. "

That's the Christ Virus inside deluding you. I am not putting you down and I know your heart is in the right place and never change this, but this is why our European folk were infected with the Christian mind vIrus to make us weak and believe in the impossible.

How do you save a psychopath? You can't, and you must destroy it.

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And you wrote this on the 27th - “Kill the mentality of 'saving others' inside you, and you'll soon realise salvation is personal, bespoke, and then spreads out like an organism.” I guess I’m at the precipice about to cross that threshold.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

Sadly but vitally it is. We no longer have rights of passage in Europe the way native peoples in the developing world still have.

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Sorry, Just NO.

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fair enough each to their own

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On reflecting on this for a couple days have decided to remove my follow up comments and unsubscribe to your substack.

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deletedJun 29
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Are you on YouTube because when I put in Swabbie Robbie a chap comes up with a guitar "Speedos and Crocs" 🤣That can't be right

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No. Swabbie Robbie is only on a few places. I do almost no social media and do not even have a You Tube account. I have used Swabbie Robbie since about 2014.

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That's grand. I'm not a social media person either, but I do watch YouTube. 👍

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Swabbie Robbie thanks for that. I'll look it up.

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I agree mate and put comment also. Not right this.

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I will be honest, I feel uncomfortable with you position with this woman NOT because of what you feel she is or saying. You are just not being objective or fair. It comes from an increasing feeling of 'projecting' your own ideology upon the actions of many people based on your own previous experiences..particularly in relation to Paganism vs Christians (which is used continuously as an avatar for British Colonialism and the Irish) . This Lady IS the WEALTH CLASS...and Bill G has been to many of her parties....WTF she IS TAYLOR SWIFT of the alternative Normie class!!. Alister Crowley WAS WEALTH and the English Privilege that u despise + a Pedo + a degenerate..but Bill Gates? You ALWAYS minimise appauling things committed when they are 'Pagans' while go to town elsewhere...Marina is a perfect example

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Elephant in the room: You are mixed Jewish brought up in 'poverty' Ballymum in the 60s-70s. Then just go to USA and get job w Goldman Sachs..as graphic designer (my arse) and the book on psychopaths and the other stuff etc explodes ...HOW many jewish people had kids in the 100 percent Catholic Ireland.. especially Ballymun...how many got job in NY w Goldman Sachs..u not being honest..this is a horse shit narrative

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Ah but you see this is how life can be if you come from somewhere like the Ballymun Flats, study and work hard, call your elders 'madam' and 'sir' and people of a higher social class see your worth and offer you what they think you are worth. Especially after you put yourself through night school after working in kitchens, construction sites and painting houses during the day.

A complete and utter go nowhere loser like you would never understand this. See how all this works? It was 70s/80s actually and along with GS, it was CitiCorp, Chase Manhattan, Kidder Peabody, Ernst and Young, Jp Morgan AND MTV.

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Problem is mate...anyone genuinely from this background..they got beyond it... shouldn't give a s##t...unless they are scouse...U are projecting.. If u got a job at Goldman Sachs then why are u moaning?? As for the constant Gaslighting of people who doubt the moonlandings.( a perfect example of cognitive dissonance)..there is clear verified footage of the original Nasa Team faking the half way to the Moon footage in near earth orbit..check obline ...please comment ..this footake has been available for last 10 years (pre-AI + all that rubbish)..U know full well that this footage is available but call people who look at it ...TRoothers...why??? Just cos the engineering calculations work IS NOT evidence that this is a true event...The Earth is not Flat..Obvious..anyone believing that is an idiot..'But according to U' it can be tilted..based on a personal experience at a petrol station last year....ego...despite objective evidence saying the opposite..you have done a lot of good but your ego has gotten the better of you and people are dropping off for it

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Lay off the bong bro - life will be easier.

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Never smoked it in my life...is bong?? weed? Just because someone challenges u why are they immediately a druggy or 'Rem fielding u'...If u despise Drag Queen Story Time but defend proven paedophiles such as this woman and Alister Crowley..that is Cognitive dissonance mate and your subscribers are well within their right to call it out...without being gaslighted or called 'troothers' or 'drug addicts' or being ridiculed...because we are not in a cult..! and u are not a cult leader beyond reproach..Ego..ego..John Waters + Sinead oConnor..and their kid!....why weren't u honest about their relationship...why werent u honest about how he used his position at Irish Times while being in the Family Court to 'raised awareness' plight of dads..no real transparency here mate..maybe it is that ..erm 'bong' I must be smoking..maybe you don't like someone actually pointing things out that dont fit your life narrative..not all demons mate.. pre-mandonna do that rather than self reflect

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Glastonbury has always been full of pretentious, privileged, middle class wankers. You couldn't have paid me to go there when I was younger. I knew enough from the crowds that attended from my town. The costume is very interesting as most of these wankers wear the 'peace' sign without a hint of irony. I hope the 'ritual' silences their ignorant voices for a while. I've had enough of listening to their political shite.

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Interesting etymology for Seiðr/Seider.

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