Many Western countries were facing certain to be bankrupt in a decade or so from the Civil Service/Public Sector Pension Bomb. This problem has now been solved. They are dying before collecting their massive pensions.

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There's chat about bird flu, monkeypox so another big deal on the cards. The last one was to train us and hem people in. All to do with control. 😪

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I think there is something to the theory that the world needs more thinking capable humans and that the kill off was primarily to remove the "useless eaters" and gullible, lower IQ. The eugenics movement, Hitler, Margaret Sanger, and Bill Gates, and his father would be proud.

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That's a thought that has also crossed my mind, although I have a notion that it wasn't obligatory. A workforce, that I suggest, can be automated with AI. Bon voyage!

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Thank you for posting Thomas! MY GOD… how did anyone take this seriously… in was a time of utter insanity. Best education ever….

As the notification of your (this) substack was coming in I was talking with one of my former student/trainees about the lethal effects of the vax, etc. She is interested in getting back into a lab to do research - having enjoyed working with me years ago. I no longer have a lab and told her I was glad to be out and changing over to teaching. I encouraged her to look into the cancers caused by the vaxx, the approaches being employed to manage post vaxx effects, etc. In this way she can follow up on the interest she had in cancer research (my lab focused on cancer metastasis) and hopefully do some good in these strange times… if onlY through information, education and outreach in her immediate community…

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I hope all the "happy meals" and donuts was worth it to them. Frankly, to risk you life for such tawdry rewards, It would seem one should risk it for a much bigger payout., but the Darwin awards exist for a reason.

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"95% efficacy and favourable safety profiles". Black magic. Favourable to whom? Gates et al?

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Whatever about being "protected" from covid-19, I am really glad to have been protected from these maniacs.

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