Jun 25Liked by Thomas Sheridan

He never once questioned 911. In fact, I believe he dismissed any conspiracy about it. That alone raises a red flag.

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how come we never heard about Fauci, the Jabbawockies, the stolen election, Ukraine and on and on and on...

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Jun 25Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I've always thought something didn't quite add up with this man.

Great article Thomas.

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Jun 25Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Keeping him locked away, supposed escaping extradition all these years, served as a cooling effect / warning to others that would release information. But things evolve we have so much leaking through the seams now there is no need for a Julian Assange martyrdom. However whistleblower protection laws don't seem to be honored anymore., the other side evolves it anti-leakage tactics, too.

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Jun 26Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I had wrongly assumed Assange to be bona fide. I suppose John Pilger seemed legit too with some of his content and support for JA. interestingly I have just watch a Dan Dicks (PFT) video which echoes your stance with a bit more background, which helped. How do you view Snowden? Same cloth?

A lesson learned on my part, don't assume everything you filed under 'truth' shouldn't be challenged. Thank you.

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Snowden an even bigger actor. I think Pilger was alright but too trusting of politicans.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Further investigation via J. Corbett concurs. I hadn't heard the 911 angle before, thus swallowing the bait like a clot! An instant red flag considering building 7 and the BBC coverage at the time. My mitigating circumstances I suppose would be severe health challenges which was ultimately part of my path to thinking 'the system isn't what it seems'. It has been a difficult 10 years. Although I am not too proud to reconsider and admit I'm wrong. It is precisely why I follow your work Mr Sheridan, as you challenge my world view and I thank you for these insights.

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Life is a journey and everyday a school day.

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