Mar 7Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Always felt digital, automated, predictable, programmed machinery can not effect reality in the same way as sentient, analogue and unpredictable entities do. This isn't a 'clever' casio calculator...more like birth of different type of being. The birthpangs are being felt. For me, this feels like an event horizon is being crossed..in some some ways a form of chaos magic of global scale...not sure how it fairs for reality

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Mar 8Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I don't think AIs are at that level of sophistication yet. I think we are more influenced 1st by the books we read, 2nd by the age of Radio and then television where we can take in what we see with far less discernment and contemplation of what we are shown. Now, most potently, we are in the age of the internet and all the video, and persuasive information it can give at exponential rates beyond what we can digest. But the interconnectedness of all this information on the whole of humanity is certainly becoming the fabric of our being. AIs will definitely bring this all forward and who knows how all this play out. We are playing with fire. But then, this has been true with every advance in technology.

The disturbing AI generated images and animations in the video is a case in point. they convey how and what to think about the topic being presented more than what the speaker was saying. For me though, imagery was modified by my being able to see where the imagery was plagiarized from.

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