Indeed totally plausible. Before I came across your work Mr Sheridan (AV), I'd have scoffed at the suggestion of such a theory. I'd worked out from the word exactly what its context was. Thank you for the insight.

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I could be talking out of my rear here, but is it to do with the unimagined to actualisation through group think ? The manifestation of an unknown, intangible thing/occurrence being brought forth into reality as we know it ? I'm just using word salads to see through the dark on my musing. Don't know if this is off topic but the author Jason Jorjani did an interview with fellow author Michael Aaron Kamins a few years ago about close encounters etc, its an interesting interview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w94ny-EfBVs&t=2s

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Thomas when is the camping trip at end of August. Is it going to happen?My sons are interested but want more info.

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I do not know anything about a camping trip. Sorry.

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I must have been daydreaming ticketed event in Midlands, lectures then go to pub, and being able to bring tent. I must have imagined it😄

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