Thomas' great article reminds me of an old saying: "it is a long road that has no turning".

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I look at those pair of miscreants at their lecterns and see only pathetic, spineless cunts.

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Back in 2020 I remember Mike Pompeo announcing that 'we are in a live exercise' and Trump saying 'you should have let us know'. The video clip is still up on Youtube (skip to 1:04:39)


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I have you seen Rodney Atkinson's talk "brexit or die" on the EU's fascist links ? It's mad interesting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ItLEzrKMM&t=2s

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Very interesting, the point is well made. Sadly, once-neutral Sweden has been brought to heel in the NATO fold, so there'll be no repeat of Anders Tegnell's independent epidemiology next time!

Re Irish neutrality, the term "Republic of Ireland" is descriptive only. Ireland's gold bullion is in the Bank of England, within the City of London Corporation, the notes and coinage prior to the Euro likewise was printed in the Bank of England, the Courts are "King's Inn", again a secret society which was granted a royal charter by King Henry VIII in 1541, and is based in the City of London Corporation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King's_Inns. I'm not sure how a country can be sovereign without control of her money or law!

Alisa describes these structures and their origins very well in this podcast.


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Love Neil Oliver. He has his head on straight and absolutely spot on. Bonus: I could listen to his accent reading a shopping list and feel inspired.

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I hope so....A trans looking judge in Washington DC has just ruled against JFK becoming health minister due to his vaccine skepticism....

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The gallows await!

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