Jun 22Liked by Thomas Sheridan

"All decency has gone out the window, as they sink further into dogma and vicious hysteria." That says everything about our times. Excellent article.

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Jun 23Liked by Thomas Sheridan

I'm usually upbeat when out in my local city, but there is definitely a change of vibe at the moment.I don't think Pride Month helps because I have noticed lots of mentally ill young people and lost souls around, wearing rainbow feather bowers, tight short shorts etc.They don't seem to know what or who they are...All very sad and sinister!

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You summed up this perfectly. Well said.

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LOL! I liked sudden viscous attacks = meaning Having relatively high resistance to flow., a ropy or glutinous consistency. But, ya, the next sentence spelled it the way you meant.

Your observation certainly describes what we are seeing throughout the cities in the USA, as well as in Europe. Time to keep ones head on a swivel and be situationally aware. Particularly going into busy stores, and places with a lot of people. I don't go into the larger towns on the weekend for shopping. I am too old to want to go clubbing or to bars. But, I still see road rage happen here and there. I just sense that we only need a spark to set of real troubles

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Jun 23Liked by Thomas Sheridan

Thanks for this, definitely merits further study. I see Seán Lester saw out the League of Nations as the last Secretary General during WWII. 'The Tin Drum' by Günter Grass (set in the 'Free' City) and Werner Herzog's film of the book are both worth checking out for anyone interested.

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He was an interesting man. Genuine human rights type and turned down being a career politcian for a life of solitude in the West of Ireland.

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