The Irish People are a Distinct Indigenous European Ethnic Group
we are not an ongoing fractured polyglot awaiting total obliteration
"More Irish than the Irish themselves" (Irish: Níos Gaelaí ná na Gaeil féin; Latin: Hiberniores Hibernis ipsis) is a phrase used in Irish historiography to describe a phenomenon of cultural assimilation in late medieval Norman Ireland. Because the Normans were not so alien, and they valued the Irish culture and identity.
Aside from it being an exclusively political statement rooted in self-hatred and ignorance, anyone claiming there is no Irish identity and culture is behaving beyond offensive, and any individual or group making such a claim has no credibility. Or more likely has sinister motives.
There has been a very distinct and long-running Irish culture from the Late Middle Ages on. When Anglo-Normans fully integrated into the pre-existing Old Irish culture. "More Irish than the Irish themselves " is a term used to describe this period. The previous Old Irish culture had already absorbed the Germanic-Norse culture of the Vikings. However, it had not been replaced, nor diluted. Because both cultures and peoples were not all that different to begin with.
They all became Irish when they arrived in Ireland and we did not become them. Total assimilation, with only surnames and some linguistic influences remaining. Even the British ascendency eventually became absorbed into this very specific cultural stream. We may speak their language but we remained Irish regardless. Every infusion was also Germanic in origin and what we call 'Celtic Gaelic' and Anglo-Saxon are both European in origin and share a very similar Indo-European root.
The Gael and the Saxons are the same racial grouping when you go back far enough. Not only does archaeological evidence prove this, the 'Gripping Beast' artwork of the Germanic cultures and the 'Celtic Knotwork' of the Irish tradition are both derived from the same European origin. Other commonalities such as the clear overlap between Irish Mythology and the European Grail Romances of the Medieval period, also demonstrate this common origin. Irish within the very closely related northern European tribal structures. That's it. Case closed.
This has remained the case until the 2000s. Influence and infusion are not disintegration. There is a very specific Irish people and culture.
We have a very distinct geographic coastline and a very distinct Irish Culture/identity. Anyone who claims otherwise is either a fool or trying to exterminate us.
I had a bout with dave Murphy recently on his YouTube channel. The flat earther who claims the irish were black. It's embarrassing to see him being given a platform on upcoming 'truther' events in the UK. Puts me off the whole movement tbh
You really have been missed these last few good that you're back. Don't know why but the odd video you do in the week just seem to give everything different sense of perspective.