Journalist Andrew Neil and the 'Just Following Orders' Brigade Again
These Creatures Were in All Our Lives and at Different Levels
A decent person would express regret/apology for any inflamatory and sadistic statements made during the Covid Fiasco. An individual with proto-psychopathic or full-blown psychopathic traits would want to ‘forget’ their behaviour. In the hope that the people he/she tormented would also ‘forget’ it too.
The years 2020-2022 were the greatest education ever. We finally got to understand how the Nazis got away with the Holocaust. It was because of people who saw the oppertunities it presented for them personally to unleash the true nature of their personalities for all the world to see without accountability. There are many Andrew Neills out there, and many of them in our familes/friendship circles and not just in positions of power and influence.
We may never get a Nuremberg II, but the Goddess of Justice will still record and judge the Andrew Neils of the 2020-2022 era—both major and minor—for their wicked deeds when a fake pandemic allowed them to drop their social mask and reveal the utterly sadistic monsters lying below the surface of such skin jobs.